A Day at my School

Is it ever unemaginable how there are only 9 kids in my class? Or how I can function with a locker only slightly larger than my head? Probably not, but if you've ever wondered what goes on behind my closed small school doors, grab your King James Version of the Bible and come with me. It's not all that bad.
7:45-8:15- Arrive at school, swap books and walk around until one of your friends get there. The school is square, so it makes it easy to do laps. Complain to friends about how boring your week was, try to be everywhere the upperclassmen guys are as the junior highers flirt like there's no tomorrow.
8:15-9:07- Pledges,Devotios,Prayer,donedonedone. Algebra I in the "Dead animal Lab" Where people have donated stuffed animals to our "lab" where science is the last thing done. I don't think a real experiment has ever been done in there. Homework- enough, but, easy.
9:07-10:00- Move over two seats and be joined by the 10th graders for Physical Science. (I sit between the moose and the porcupine)Homework-TONS
10:05-10:57- Proceed to Mrs Bray's room for English, where it always smells like coffe. Classtime goes fast as she shares multiple stories of her childhood. Homework-minimal if none.
10:57-11:52-Proceed to the "Big room" - world lit with my Mother. Homework-not too bad. 'nough said
11:52-12:15- Lunch in the dead animal lab. A little hard to eat beef jerky when your staring at a deer.
12:15-1:07- Study hall in the big room. Much fun, as people on opposite sides of the room throw spit balls at each other. (is spit ball a hypenated word?)
1:07-2:00-Geography with Mr. Wiborg. Class is Pandemonium.
2:05-2:57-Choir M,W,F, no one can sing and T,Th, "P.E."- all the girls do is walk around and talk.
2:57-3:45- Bible. Interesting topics to discuss, and the "true" Baptists end up argueing with the non-Baptists. Too much. I get frustrated easily.
That's it, (this is really long)
well well well...
beckah has fallen into the terribly fadistic trap of blogging.
welcome to our world.
don't worry we aren't a cult
let's say we're a....
community blogring.
yup. sounds good.
-the andyman-, at Sunday, November 13, 2005 8:24:00 PM
you spelled my name wrong.
Bekah, at Monday, November 14, 2005 5:26:00 PM
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