The Lost Art of an Altar Call
At my school we have chapel every Monday. Six out of ten chapels, they have an altar call. The pastor has everyone "close their eyes and bow their heads." He then proceeds to go through the list of things that one can take care of at an altar call which includes but is not limited to the following: new life in Christ, recommitment, commitment to change something, something relevant to the sermon, ect., ect.
A couple of months ago, I realized that this practice has become a lost art at my school. The hardest thing for me to do these days is to either
1) Keep my eyes closed when I'm tired without falling asleep
2) Keep my eyes closed when I'm wide awake
3) Not be the nosy Christian and look around to see if anyone is actually going up (for the record, no one ever does....
I've heard from a number of sources (aka students that sit through chapel with me) that the only reason people ever DO go up is to get him to stop.
BUT OF COURSE.... has anyone ever mastered this art?
I guess I can't complain.
Does anyone even know what I'm talking about????
I didn't think so.
Until the earth shakes....
A couple of months ago, I realized that this practice has become a lost art at my school. The hardest thing for me to do these days is to either
1) Keep my eyes closed when I'm tired without falling asleep
2) Keep my eyes closed when I'm wide awake
3) Not be the nosy Christian and look around to see if anyone is actually going up (for the record, no one ever does....
I've heard from a number of sources (aka students that sit through chapel with me) that the only reason people ever DO go up is to get him to stop.
BUT OF COURSE.... has anyone ever mastered this art?
I guess I can't complain.
Does anyone even know what I'm talking about????
I didn't think so.
Until the earth shakes....
OMG! i know! no one goes up! no offence. but i am a nosy christian. but im proud of it. becuz either a) i fall asleep or b)i look. its hard not to do both. i HAVE to do one of them.i feel bad now. lol last time we had chapel and he did a call, i fell asleep, until someone kicked me when he told us we could look up, and i didnt move. i was slumped over with my head on my hands and my eyes closed. hehe. me so evil. ok yea. ne ways. keep the smartness coming blondey
Sarah, at Saturday, May 06, 2006 7:32:00 PM
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