Vegetables are Overrated
*First of all, spelling is overrated, so if "overrated" is spelled wrong, please don't send me a nasty comment pointing out the fact that I can't spell to save my life.
I don't know how many of you have heard of the recall on some bagged vegetables because some people got sick on some bagged spinach. But, from what I hear, there was a bit of a warning put out the other day about bagged vegetables. This is ironic to me, considering the fact that all of my life, vegetables have been forced down my throat to "keep me healthy", and now, they are just the oppisite, I mean opposite ( had to look that up),of that. Grammar is my gift, but spelling is my downfall.
Simple solution? Stop eating vegetables. Case closed.
I don't know how many of you have heard of the recall on some bagged vegetables because some people got sick on some bagged spinach. But, from what I hear, there was a bit of a warning put out the other day about bagged vegetables. This is ironic to me, considering the fact that all of my life, vegetables have been forced down my throat to "keep me healthy", and now, they are just the oppisite, I mean opposite ( had to look that up),of that. Grammar is my gift, but spelling is my downfall.
Simple solution? Stop eating vegetables. Case closed.
You taught yourself how to play the guitar? Sorry if I spelled that wrong. That's really cool. I'd love to hear you play :)
Sarah, at Sunday, September 17, 2006 6:17:00 PM
by the way, i totally agree with the veggie thing
Sarah, at Sunday, September 17, 2006 6:36:00 PM
hey baekah boo! just read what you wrote on my blog. of course i was talking about you. who else would i have been talking about? well, keep practicing the guitar. you have natural talent with instruments. i'm excited to hear about camp. as crazy as it sounds, i miss the early morning practices. you girls can do it. i hope it will bring you together. i don't think it ever brought my classmates together. what about this letter to Dave? what's happening with that? you know that you don't have to answer anyone if you don't want to or if you really don't know the answer. if you ever feel like someone is asking too much then just tell them you don't want to talk about it. if you aren't over Dave yet or you don't think you will be any time soon, it's ok. you have the right to take as long as you want just as long as you stay happy with your life and yourself. i love the chinese food thing too. we had it tonight :) (we couldn't have it yesterday b/c it's closed on Sundays) anywho, i do miss you very much. but i'm not clumped like bad mascara :) yet..... but seriously i think you're one of the only people who hasn't stabbed me in the back. so, loves ya - Sarah :)
Sarah, at Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:26:00 AM
i am sssssoooooo sorry. i completely forgot that i had email. it's
email me whenever you want. i don't have alot of people that do on a regular basis so any of your emails and updates will be grately appreciated. love ya lots girlie :)
Sarah, at Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:55:00 AM
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