My First Competitive Basketball Game
So you may not be all too excited about the following post; hey, I wouldn't blame some people if the title of it made some people not want to read it. A couple months ago, if you told me that I'd actually grow to like basketball, I would have denied it. But in all honesty, I am really enjoying it.
This year is the first year for having girl's basketball at our school, and tonight was our first game. We lost. Badly. We scored ten points and had 25 turnovers. But for the first game, it actually wasn't as embarassing as I was afraid of it being. But here are a few happenings from the game:
1) The spandex that I had to get to wear under my basket ball shorts is so comfortable, that I think I'd like to wear it all the time. But you probably didn't want to know this.
2) I made the first point. It was my only point, and it was a free throw, but chew on this. I made the first point of the history of EMCS girl's basketball. Therefore, I made history.
3) I wasn't as out of shape for basketball as I thought I would be. I actually wasn't sucking air after the first quarter like I thougt I would be. I played all but the last two minutes, so I'm pretty satisfied with my pysical condition.
4) I had four rebounds, one foul, and two bad passes. But for the foul, all I did was stand stilll. She just ran into me and fell over. Weak I tell you. Weak.
5) My basketball uniform makes me look HUGE. Not just tall, not just fat, but not buff. Just like, the jolly green giant.
6) 6 hours in a bus with Junior Varsity guys overdosed on sugar- torture. Next time, I'm going to bring a sedative. Just for them.
7) I can't box-out. It just feels awkward.
8) I have a heart shaped floorburn (but I kept the ball in bounds)
9) I won the tip-off! Well, the other girl was a good 6 inches shorter, but hey!
10) I now love basketball. Playing, watching, looking stupid attemting it, it's all good.
I can do this. I also make it look this easy. Just to let you know.

I wish.
This year is the first year for having girl's basketball at our school, and tonight was our first game. We lost. Badly. We scored ten points and had 25 turnovers. But for the first game, it actually wasn't as embarassing as I was afraid of it being. But here are a few happenings from the game:
1) The spandex that I had to get to wear under my basket ball shorts is so comfortable, that I think I'd like to wear it all the time. But you probably didn't want to know this.
2) I made the first point. It was my only point, and it was a free throw, but chew on this. I made the first point of the history of EMCS girl's basketball. Therefore, I made history.
3) I wasn't as out of shape for basketball as I thought I would be. I actually wasn't sucking air after the first quarter like I thougt I would be. I played all but the last two minutes, so I'm pretty satisfied with my pysical condition.
4) I had four rebounds, one foul, and two bad passes. But for the foul, all I did was stand stilll. She just ran into me and fell over. Weak I tell you. Weak.
5) My basketball uniform makes me look HUGE. Not just tall, not just fat, but not buff. Just like, the jolly green giant.
6) 6 hours in a bus with Junior Varsity guys overdosed on sugar- torture. Next time, I'm going to bring a sedative. Just for them.
7) I can't box-out. It just feels awkward.
8) I have a heart shaped floorburn (but I kept the ball in bounds)
9) I won the tip-off! Well, the other girl was a good 6 inches shorter, but hey!
10) I now love basketball. Playing, watching, looking stupid attemting it, it's all good.
I can do this. I also make it look this easy. Just to let you know.

I wish.
I'm SO glad that you actually like bball. Congrats on the floor burn. Even though it's not vball Crystal would be proud you got a floor burn on your first game. ttyl
Sarah, at Sunday, November 12, 2006 3:35:00 AM
Awesome!! You made history Bekah :) Way more than I would have ever been able to do!! lol Keep it up and you'll be called Air Bekah in no time...I call dibs on your first pair of Nikes you bring out <3 Sarah's sis
Anonymous, at Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:36:00 PM
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