Musicians are Lonely People
I love music. Everything about it. As you've read in previous posts, I'm loving basketball, and I love volleyball even more, but I'd rather give both of them up than to have to go without my music.
But my school is full of sports obsessed jock wannabes. A lot of them aren't even that good at sports, but that's all they care about. Very few of them have the slightest appreciation of music. They can't even sing "Happy Birthday" on key. Not all of them, but the majority.
This bugs me. Maybe I'm just a total musical geek (which I don't mind being called), but I can't stand people that have no appreciation for the arts. Like a couple of weeks ago, we had a symphonic band come to our school. First of all, before they came, everyone kept saying, "oh yeah, that orchestra is coming...." Then when they actually came, they just sat there and texted each other the whole time. Then when I was really getting into it and would comment about something, they'd say, "which ones a clarinet again?" It drove me insane.
It's so one-sided at my school. A girl can do a perfect lay-up and she has friends or a date for our "homecoming" (it's not even a dance.) But sing, play an instrument, or even show the slightest appreciation for music, and people just kinda stare at you like you're from another planet.
Don't get me wrong.... I love sports just as much as the next person. Really, I do. But I'm balanced, and music is a huge part of my life.
Maybe I'm stepping on some toes here. Especially if you're from my school, and I apologize. But seriously. Musicians are lonely people.
But my school is full of sports obsessed jock wannabes. A lot of them aren't even that good at sports, but that's all they care about. Very few of them have the slightest appreciation of music. They can't even sing "Happy Birthday" on key. Not all of them, but the majority.
This bugs me. Maybe I'm just a total musical geek (which I don't mind being called), but I can't stand people that have no appreciation for the arts. Like a couple of weeks ago, we had a symphonic band come to our school. First of all, before they came, everyone kept saying, "oh yeah, that orchestra is coming...." Then when they actually came, they just sat there and texted each other the whole time. Then when I was really getting into it and would comment about something, they'd say, "which ones a clarinet again?" It drove me insane.
It's so one-sided at my school. A girl can do a perfect lay-up and she has friends or a date for our "homecoming" (it's not even a dance.) But sing, play an instrument, or even show the slightest appreciation for music, and people just kinda stare at you like you're from another planet.
Don't get me wrong.... I love sports just as much as the next person. Really, I do. But I'm balanced, and music is a huge part of my life.
Maybe I'm stepping on some toes here. Especially if you're from my school, and I apologize. But seriously. Musicians are lonely people.
I would have loved to hear the orchestra!!!! I loved it when they came the last time. Did they play in the gym or the auditorium?
Sarah, at Saturday, November 25, 2006 1:29:00 AM
it's true. my first band - which i cannot remember our name - were quite a lonely bunch. we were rock stars. rebels without a cause. revolutionaries in the music industry. we had a song, "i", where we did nothing but stand on stage for 3 minutes and play nothing. [if you didn't get that joke you should look up why math geeks are lonely people].
kate debaene, at Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:03:00 AM
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