I love it when we're cruisin' together.... or not....
Ever since I can remember, this has been the one event that I looked forward to. Watching my life flash before my eyes with Dan, getting aquainted with music being played at insane levels with Dirk, having to say no to people because I "didn't have a ride", bumming rides off people, countint down days until my sweet 16, this is it. This is what I've been waiting for. I can legally drive now (with someone over the age of 21 in the passenger seat.)
But I can't do this. It feels horrible, because all of my life, I've been at the top of my class in school.... but I can't drive. I get so nervous. Every day this week I've come home crying because my mom freaked out over the littlest things. My behind the wheel teacher made me so nervous that I stopped at a green light. Tuesday, I even hit a parked car (I just bumped it. No big deal right????....)
Another thing. My mom has a language of her own when we're driving. How am I supposed to know that, "BEKAH BEKAH BEKAH!!!!" means, "STOP"? How am I supposed to be able to tell that her flapping her hand like crazy means, "Change lanes?" How am I supposed to pay attentiong to her slamming her foot on the floor as a sign to slow down???? I signed up for drivers ed. Not a foreign language.
And right now, I love to drive, but I'm so afraid of doing something wrong. I don't know what to do.
But I can't do this. It feels horrible, because all of my life, I've been at the top of my class in school.... but I can't drive. I get so nervous. Every day this week I've come home crying because my mom freaked out over the littlest things. My behind the wheel teacher made me so nervous that I stopped at a green light. Tuesday, I even hit a parked car (I just bumped it. No big deal right????....)
Another thing. My mom has a language of her own when we're driving. How am I supposed to know that, "BEKAH BEKAH BEKAH!!!!" means, "STOP"? How am I supposed to be able to tell that her flapping her hand like crazy means, "Change lanes?" How am I supposed to pay attentiong to her slamming her foot on the floor as a sign to slow down???? I signed up for drivers ed. Not a foreign language.
And right now, I love to drive, but I'm so afraid of doing something wrong. I don't know what to do.
I feel for you. My first day of Behind The Wheel was horrible. At every red light I held my foot down so hard on the brake that by the time it was over I could barely walk and just today I hit a PARKED car that I swear came out of nowhere. You'll get way better and the really annoying secret mom language gets easier to understand. :o) I promise!!!!
Sarah, at Friday, February 23, 2007 1:06:00 AM
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