The Beauty in Life

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

If Life is a Movie....

If life is a movie, then my life is the gag reel.

Yesterday, I was in charge of making supper. I went to make the rice, and I turned the box upside down to get the packets of things out, and rice spilled everywhere.

This is just one of the many events that have crafted my week....

....but I'm afraid to list them at the present time.

When the Groundhog sees his Shadow....

When the Groundhog sees his shadow, it means there are five weeks left of summer.

Today at work, (it still feels good to say that) an animal that I had never seen before waddled within 10 yards of me. The kids that were there were like, "Mrs. Bekah! Mrs. Bekah! Look at the groundhog!"

So I don't exactly know what a groundhog looks like, but I guess it could have been one. So in other words, I have 3 more paychecks to claim and summer school is OVER!!!!