The Beauty in Life

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I love it when we're cruisin' together.... or not....

Ever since I can remember, this has been the one event that I looked forward to. Watching my life flash before my eyes with Dan, getting aquainted with music being played at insane levels with Dirk, having to say no to people because I "didn't have a ride", bumming rides off people, countint down days until my sweet 16, this is it. This is what I've been waiting for. I can legally drive now (with someone over the age of 21 in the passenger seat.)

But I can't do this. It feels horrible, because all of my life, I've been at the top of my class in school.... but I can't drive. I get so nervous. Every day this week I've come home crying because my mom freaked out over the littlest things. My behind the wheel teacher made me so nervous that I stopped at a green light. Tuesday, I even hit a parked car (I just bumped it. No big deal right????....)

Another thing. My mom has a language of her own when we're driving. How am I supposed to know that, "BEKAH BEKAH BEKAH!!!!" means, "STOP"? How am I supposed to be able to tell that her flapping her hand like crazy means, "Change lanes?" How am I supposed to pay attentiong to her slamming her foot on the floor as a sign to slow down???? I signed up for drivers ed. Not a foreign language.

And right now, I love to drive, but I'm so afraid of doing something wrong. I don't know what to do.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Conversation Hearts

Valentines Day is always the same. Boys and girls obsess over what to get each other, commercialism is almost as annoying as around Christmas time, and the prices of flowers quadruple. And there--amidst the chocalate--is the staple to all of Valentines Day.

Conversation Hearts.

You know. The little colored hearts made of pure sugar with messages like, "I love you", or "Call me"-- things along those lines.

Truth is, I've never actually met anyone that actually likes these things. I know I don't. Not only do they taste bad, but I get all the rejection messages like, "Go home," or "No chance." Things like that. On Sunday, we were all sharing a bag, and that's all I got. Don't get me wrong, it was funny, but I was beginning to think that Valentines Day was out to get me.

Well, enjoy your day of love-- Happy Valentines Day. May the candy hearts be on your side.