The Beauty in Life

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well, I'm Off to Camp

Tomorrow I will wake up at 5:44 to be at the school by 6 (a.m.) for Camp Forest Springs. Every year, the 7th through 12th graders travel all day by bus to Northern Wisconsin, spend three days full of 3 hour chapel sessions in the morning, high school drama in the afternoon, and more chapel in the evening. Sounds exciting, right? But believe me, it is. Everyone looks forward to and back at camp. Eighty percent of sentences uttered by junior-highers and highschollers alike will begin with, "Remember at camp when...."

In other news, the other night, my pet moth was doing circles around my head. All of a sudden, it just fell. I think it's dead. Actually, I know it's dead. It was just going senial in its last days. Not that I know how long a moth's life cycle is.

How amazing was the Zambian's Orphan Choir? We went to the concert Saturday night, and those that know what I'm talking about....well....know what I'm talking about.

Last night the song "The Whole Earth" came to my mind. There's a line in it that says, "You reign victorios." It was then that it hit me that it should be, "You reign victouriously" since "victouriously" is an adverb. Then I tried to re-do the whole song to make the correct grammar sound right.

It was then that it hit me that I don't even like that song. I just didn't like the inproper adverb use. So I started going over the songs that I do like to see if they had all the right grammar. Needless to say that I lost some valuable sleep last night.

These are the things that keep me awake at night.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Drunken Moth

The other night, I was in bed reading. There was this moth that kept fliying into the wall. Not just landing on the wall, but flying into it and falling down, over and over again. I tried to shoo it away, but I could touch it without it even moving, like I was petting it. Then, it would just fly in circles around me and try to land again, with no success. I think I'm going to name it and consider it a pet, since it lets me pet it.

I know, you're probably a little less than thrilled with my moth story, but it made me laugh. Who do you know that has a pet moth? I'll let you know what I name it.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Vegetables are Overrated

*First of all, spelling is overrated, so if "overrated" is spelled wrong, please don't send me a nasty comment pointing out the fact that I can't spell to save my life.

I don't know how many of you have heard of the recall on some bagged vegetables because some people got sick on some bagged spinach. But, from what I hear, there was a bit of a warning put out the other day about bagged vegetables. This is ironic to me, considering the fact that all of my life, vegetables have been forced down my throat to "keep me healthy", and now, they are just the oppisite, I mean opposite ( had to look that up),of that. Grammar is my gift, but spelling is my downfall.

Simple solution? Stop eating vegetables. Case closed.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Just a note: I know "just a thought...." is published 4 times. I've tried to delete the extras just as many times, but they won't go away. It's not like I was trying to pound it into your head or anything.

Friday, September 08, 2006

School. Necessity? Or a Poor Excuse to Get us off the Couch?

School started. I honestly can say that I (so far) like freshmen year much better than sophomore. The teachers, the homework, the classes, the thickness of the books,- all worse. Also, 9th and 10th have some of their classes together, and I swear that just being around them has dropped my intelligence level to a 7.

Ok, so that's not very nice, or true, because I do have friends in there. But by the third time some of them ask obvious questions, they just confuse themselves.

We also got our first hour study hall taken away. For as long as I can remember, sophomores have always had first hour study hall for drivers ed. But SUPPOSEDLY the class before us "ruined" it for us. I still can take drivers ed (in JANUARY!!!!), but I'll have to miss 3 months of computer. So we also have no place to hang out in the morning before school because it's no fun to hang out in the computer lab, and we have no official homeroom. Sophomores are rejects, I swear.

But I have discovered that over the summer, my pain tolerance has gone way up. If you know me well enough, you'll be thankful for the next time that you try to do my hair. I won't cry this time, I promise. :)

I don't like school one bit. Actually, I hate it, but the more I complain about it the longer the school year will be. So it'll be ok.

I can live with being an All sophomoric Reject.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Just a thought....

Do you ever hear someone say something, and it reminds you of a song so you start singing it? Then you have that song stuck in your head all day, and all you want to do is punch yourself for singing that song all day?

It's one of those days.

Just a thought....

Do you ever hear someone say something, and it reminds you of a song so you start singing it? Then you have that song stuck in your head all day, and all you want to do is punch yourself for singing that song all day?

It's one of those days.

Just a thought....

Do you ever hear someone say something, and it reminds you of a song so you start singing it? Then you have that song stuck in your head all day, and all you want to do is punch yourself for singing that song all day?

It's one of those days.

Just a thought....

Do you ever hear someone say something, and it reminds you of a song so you start singing it? Then you have that song stuck in your head all day, and all you want to do is punch yourself for singing that song all day?

It's one of those days.

My Summer is Over

Today, I was looking through the paper, and there was a picture of a girl eating a popsical. The popsical said "summer" and it was melted and almost gone.

I don't want to start school tomorrow. I want to have summer for the rest of my life. I don't want to throw on my man shirt and velcro skirt to be bored for 8 hours listening to people babble on and on about things that I have absolutely no interest for while finding entertainment in stupid drama and hoping to find a seat by the fan to find relief from my panty hose.

MAJOR Run-on sentence. I know, Jenn :). Seriously though, I just want to sleep in.

I don't want to go to school.